For example, during 2008 the world consumed 200 billion liters of bottled water. If we consider an average consume of 1-liter bottles, plus the 25,000 plastic bottles needed to build one single eco-house, the housing industry would be building 8 million new homes per year while getting rid of tonnes of polluting waste.
That's why Ingrid's initiative of turning waste into a resource is absolutely needed. Moreover, from incubation till completion, her method is 100% feasible. And viable initiatives are the ones truly needed to overcome housing problems in developing countries.
For this reason, the OS-house launches the Design Competition in January 2010. Each participant will have to design a modular house that is both affordable and sustainable for its future residents. The best design will build in a pilot project in Ghana, and just as Ingrid's eco-housing idea, that design will change the life of those who really need it.
plastic bootles are made from Fossil fuels.Fossil fuels are finite, not tomorrow but certainly after a period of lets us say 100-200 years.I think it would be much better to make immediately a building material with excellent insulating qualities, which is extremely well suitable as a building material on aglobal level, from the fossil fuels and start building homes with Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). For more info look at www.veerhuis.eu and you see immediately why.100% reusable and recyclable and saving energy at the same time.